Saturday, January 28, 2012

BIG day of training

I'm not even sure where to start with todays training stories.
It was a full day of off and on training.
First thing this morning half way through my first coffee I couldn't wait any longer to get out and try it again.
Started with Elmo first, he is so friggen energetic that early in the day that I figured he would enjoy a good late morning run.
Our solo trip out together was pretty nice, same as the other runs yesterday but he seemed far more confident and sure of himself. I did a lot of the work for him but he did really good at keeping his line tight and pulling quite a bit.
When we got back I grabbed Karma and put Elmo in the house for a little break.
Karma and I went out solo, she was quite lazy today, not really into this sledding thing or wanting to turn as she was asked but once we got half way around she decided to kick into gear and get to work.

Twice around with Karma and I called it quits for the early part of the day. Had horse chores to do. Looking over at monster Marv and the several square bales of hay I had to bring down to the horses I decided to hook Marv up to the sled and get him to pull the sled with hay into the horses. Since he is the kinda guy who is all about using his brute force to get his point across when pulling why not encourage that and get him working too.

He hauled the hay in, stood like a gentleman while I unloaded it and we went back up to the house. On our way I decided to try him around the training oval in the horse field to work on our getting him up front of me thing while pulling a sled. He did very well, didn't waste any time jumping around but instead he just walked nice around the trail and back up to the driveway. I turned him around re did the little oval back by the horses and then put him back. He was quite pleased with himself and did a victory roll/wiggle and went into the dog house to take a nap.

After I finished the horse water and everything I needed to do for the day I sat down to have a little break and check out Facebook. Was offered to borrow a few harnesses to get this moving along a bit better and hopped in the truck to go pick them up. Yup, a half hour ride to pick up some harnesses at the beginning of a snow storm was just the perfect idea.

Once I got home with the rainbow of harnesses and being as excited as a kid on Christmas morning, I went and got Elmo and Karma and my make shift line and head out with them both. Miss Lazy was a little "la dee daa" at the beginning but when she realized that she had to keep going with Elmo they both got pulling really well.
When we got back up to the house I got ambitious and hooked up Miss Tibby.
Once we hit the trail I had to move her up front with Elmo as she was really pulling and wanting to get going. Once I had her up front with Elmo we were flying.
The storm really picked up while we were out there and it started getting dark so I went around once more as quickly as possible and came back to put everything away before it got too bad out.

We probably will have to go out and repack the trail tomorrow morning as there was starting to be quite a few drifts at some points at the end of the run. Right now I have one Elmo who is sound asleep and 3 very content TM's.

Rambo and Kita are also quite tired as during our break earlier I did some major obedience work with Rambo to get his attitude in check and Kita lolly gags around with us through out the day, shes not a part of the team but I may hook her up tomorrow and get her moving too, she's old but is still more than capable of joining in on the fun.

No pics or videos today, I'm out of batteries for my crappy camera for video and my good picture camera is just not safe yet as I get comfortable riding a dog sled again.
Hopefully tomorrow :)

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